Skin Illustrator 1853 Palette (formerly 12 years a slave)

The Skin Illustrator 1853 Palette was custom created exclusively for Ma Kalaadevi Ananda for her work on 12 Years a Slave. Nominated for nine Academy Awards and winner for best picture, 12 Years a Slave presented some unique challenges for Makeup Department Head kalaadevi, her makeup key, Nick London and the rest of the crew.

"The heat and humidity in New Orleans made things difficult for us at times. The Skin Illustrator 12 Years a Slave palette gave us the right colors we needed to match dark skin tones and create affects. The colors stayed on the skin all day. The palettes became so popular everybody wanted one, even the lead actor, Chiwetel Ejiofor asked for one as a momento." Nick London, Makeup Key.

"I was working and balancing four Illustrator palettes to blend the pigment I wanted. After working with the colors for some time, I established a palette including 10 mixed-color hues which enabled me to create the desired effect. This was named the 12 Years a Slave Illustrator palette, for use on brown- and black-skinned actors." Kalaavedi, Makeup Dept. Head.

Kalaavedi touches up Chiwetel Ejiofor

Makeup Artist Denise Pugh-Ruiz


The colors can easily be applied with a brush, sponge or mascara wand. Use it alone, or mix the colors with any of the other Skin Illustrator tones to create your own unique blend of color.

You must use Skin Illustrator Activator, Skin Illustrator Slow Activator or 99% alcohol to activate the color pigment. Do Not use 70% alcohol, MEK, acetone, water or any other solvent.

Removal is easy with Telesis Super Solv.




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